Programs Inner Healing

Inner Healing

We use the term “Inner Healing” to describe the one-on-one sessions that are available to our residential participants and to the community.  

Inner Healing is a unique process that quickly uncovers the root issues that addictions or other destructive behaviors are attempting to mask. This process includes working with traumatic and painful memories to get to the source of our core beliefs. It’s our faulty beliefs that are the cause of our problems. These beliefs will attack our identity (worthless, unlovable, abandoned, overlooked, ashamed) and/or our state of being (hopeless, powerless). As long as these beliefs remain we will behave accordingly, the result is “cycles of defeat” and destructive behavior patterns. Once these beliefs are resolved, real freedom and peace can be felt. Our behaviors reflect this and the “cycle of defeat” is broken.

Inner Healing is not counselling, it is more of a spiritual journey. The role of Inner Healing facilitators is not to counsel, rather the facilitator is simply there to help clients get to the root of the problem and expose the lie that has been believed - causing cycles of defeat. The healing comes when God’s truth replaces the lie that has been believed. Jesus said "you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. Jesus wants you to experience the truth in your heart, not simply know it in your head. That's what it means to know the truth.

Inner Healing gives individuals from all walks of life the opportunity to be set free from faulty thinking and find freedom and healing. This model is powerful and its positive benefits can ripple into every area of your life. Inner Healing can help:

  • married couples
  • children 
  • young adults
  • singles
  • divorcees 
  • widows

The reality is Inner Healing is for everyone and can benefit anyone!

You don’t have to have a faith background to receive powerful healing and freedom. You just have to be willing to do 2 things:  

  •  Own your emotional pain and allow yourself to feel the hurt. This can be difficult because many have developed some pretty good skills (walls) to avoid feeling. 
  • Be open to hear what God wants you to know.  

If you can honestly say, “God, I don’t know if you are real or not. If you are, I’m willing to hear what you want me to know”, you will experience freedom from past trauma and be released from “cycles of defeat”.